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What is web forwarding?

Web forwarding is a way for your domain name to be pointed to another web address or page. The main types of forwarders that you can set up are a 301 (Permanent) or a 302 (Temporary) forwarder, both of which are outlined below:

When should I use temporary web forwarding?

You should only use temporary Web forwarding when you know you’ll be changing the forwarding settings again soon. If you’re not sure which type of forwarding to use, permanent Web forwarding is the safer option. For more information on how to set this up, please see our guide: How do I add 302 (Temporary) Web forwarding?

Does forwarding an email re-render HTML?

Unfortunately, forwarding an email causes one client to re-render HTML that has already been rendered, and this will almost always screw something up. However, using better practices when coding your emails will help cut down on these problems. I've done a lot of emails and here are some things I've learned: Never use rowspans or colspans.

Which pattern uses forwarding?

Forwarding is used in many design patterns. Forwarding is used directly in several patterns: Decorator pattern: decorator object adds its own members, forwarding others to the decorated object. Proxy pattern: proxy object forwards member use to real object.

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